1 Year Course Details

Term 1 – 2025


The Shahadah, or the declaration of faith, serves as the cornerstone of Islam, affirming that Allah is the only deity worthy of worship, and Muhammad Pbuh is His servant and Messenger. For Muslims, our beliefs are the bedrock of our faith and identity. The Qur’an and the Prophet Muhammad Pbuh have revealed several crucial points of creed that have been meticulously preserved and explained by the Imams of the Muslim Ummah. It is imperative for us to safeguard our beliefs, ensuring they remain steadfast and uncorrupted.

Learning outcomes: 

  • Gain confidence and stronger affirmation in one’s own belief
  • Gain an understanding between the deviated sects
  • Recognise misconceptions related to beliefs
  • Learn what beliefs are sound and which are unacceptable in Islam
  • Gain the ultimate success by not losing your own faith and in sha Allah, gain salvation in the everlasting life of the hereafter


  • Beliefs Relating to Allah & Tawhid
  • Prophethood & its finality
  • Signs Before the Day of Judgement
  • Fate, Disbelief and Athiesm
  • Reason and Revelation
  • The problem of Evil and Suffering
  • Allah’s Names, Attributes & Speech
  • Angels
  • Divine Books, Life In The Grave & Accountability
  • The Shahadah
  • Iman & its Branches


A comprehensive study of the rulings related to worship, with a basic insight into evidences from Qur’an & sunnah, ensuring our worship is valid and that our day-to-day life is in accordance with Islam.


  • Fiqh of Taharah (Purification)
  • Fiqh of Haydh (Menstruation)
  • Fiqh of Salah (Prayer)
  • Fiqh of Sawm (Fasting)


Personal growth is deeply entrenched within the Islamic pillars. During our year course, we will explore secular tools of learning in order to better understand where it is evident within our faith. This journey will provide us with a better understanding of the human mind and as a result impact how we develop as Muslims and our identity.

The first term endeavors to focus on the core principles of understanding what every human being ultimately seeks as individuals as well trigger a Growth mindset.

A growth mindset describes a way of viewing challenges and setbacks. People who have a growth mindset believe that even if they struggle with certain skills, their abilities aren’t set in stone. They think that with work, their skills can improve over time.


  • The core needs of human beings
  • Understanding the impact of beliefs
  • Understanding the sphere of Influence
  • What is Tazkiya?
  • The process of Tazkiya
  • Developing a growth mindset: Awareness; Perspective and Action


Term 2 – 2025


The field of ʿUlūm al-Qurʾān refers to groups of principles, rules, and characteristics that coherently relate to some aspect of the Qur’an. There is more to explore in the Qur’an that any human effort can encompass. It is the manifestation of endless marvels which believers are encouraged to ponder, identify, and reflect on in everyday life.

What You’ll Learn:

· Introduction to the Quran and Its Significance: Understand the importance of the Quran in Islam and its impact on daily life.

· Revelation and Preservation: Discover how the Quran was revealed, compiled, and preserved over time.

· Contextual Understanding: Learn about the historical contexts of verses and the basics of Quranic interpretation (Tafsir).

· Fundamentals of Tajweed: Acquire the essential rules of Tajweed to improve your pronunciation and recitation.

· Memorization Techniques: Explore effective strategies to memorize verses and retain them long-term.

· Reading and Recitation Tips: Gain practical advice to enhance your fluency and confidence in reading the Quran.

· Tafseer on the last 10 surahs, and exploring pertinent and practical lessons to inculcate in our daily lives


Tafsir means explanation. It is the science which aids us towards truly understanding the meaning of the Qur’an, based primarily on the explanation of the Prophet (saw) himself and his companions (may Allah be well pleased with all of them). It is an essential subject for every Muslim who wishes to understand the Qur’an. Throughout the duration of this course, students will cover the last 10 Surahs of the Qur’an, going over the translation, the causes of revelation and a detailed explanation of the verses.

Learning outcomes:

  • To have a good understanding about how the verses of the Qur’an were revealed.
  • Understand how the different themes and stories in the Qur’an come together.
  • Gain an appreciation for the eloquence of the Qur’an. Improve focus in Salah through understanding these Surahs.
  • Application of lesson learnt from these Surahs

  • Tafsir of Surat al-Fil (the Elephant)
  • Tafsir of Surah Quraysh (Quraysh)
  • Tafsir of Surat al-Ma’un (the Assistance)
  • Tafsir of Surat al-Kauthar (the River of Abundance)
  • Tafsir of Surat al-Kafirun (the Disbelievers)
  • Tafsir of Surat al-Nasr (the Help)
  • Tafsir of Surat al-Masad (the Palm Fiber)
  • Tafsir of Surat al-Ikhlas (the Sincerity)
  • Tafsir of Surat al-Falaq (the Daybreak)
  • Tafsir of Surat al-Nas (Mankind)

This term we will expand our learning in understanding the power of thought along with cognitive distortions as well as irrational beliefs that we have developed over time. It can be liberating just hearing about these distortions because once you recognize that the reality you assume isn’t necessarily 100% accurate, you can open up to greater possibilities!


  • Cultivating Mindfulness and Self-Awareness
  • Developing Awareness of Your Thoughts and Self-Talk
  • Developing Awareness of Your Emotions
  • Identifying Triggers
  • Identifying Underlying Beliefs
  • A Note About Acceptance


Term 3 – 2025


The sayings of the Prophet (saw) are the second most important source of knowledge in Islam after the Qur’an. They, along with the Qur’an, are the very foundations of our faith from which we take our guidance. The prophetic narrations have been preserved by the scholars of Islam, and have been passed down throughout the centuries from generation to generation, right up to our time. Studying his (saw) teachings and advices, as well as making an earnest effort to implement them into our daily lives is something all Muslims should work towards, and emulating him t is something we should all aspire to do.

In this module we will explore the 40 Hadith of Imam Nawawi, its teaching and practical ways we can adopt them in our lives. The collection of ahadith covers various themes for a comprehensive understanding of Islam and clear guidelines for powerful personal and societal change.


  • Importance of intention
  • Definition of Islām, īmān and iḥsān
  • Islam is built of 5
  • Man’s development and final deeds
  • Prohibition of innovation in religion
  • Avoidance of doubtful matters
  • Religion is sincerity
  • Protection of Muslims
  • Obedience to the Prophet (saw)
  • Limiting oneself to what is lawful
  • Adherence to what is certain
  • Refining the soul
  • Consideration for others
  • Prohibition of Blood of a Muslim
  • Good character
  • Anger
  • Proficiency in slaughter
  • Avoiding sins
  • One’s relationship with Allah
  • Shame and shyness
  • Upright conduct
  • Religious obligations lead to Paradise
  • Good deeds
  • Some attributes of Allah
  • Rewards
  • Charities
  • Righteousness and wrongdoing
  • Obligation of following the sunnah
  • Ways to Paradise
  • Rights of Allah (subḥānahu wa taʽālā)
  • Indifference to worldly things
  • No harm or reciprocating harm
  • Evidence
  • Prohibiting wrong
  • Social behavior
  • Relieving a Muslim brings aid from Allah
  • Allah’s generosity
  • Allah’s anger and approval
  • Errors overlooked by Allah
  • Reducing worldly aspirations
  • Faith is love of obedience
  • Allah’s capacity for forgiveness


Immersing ourselves in studying the inspirational life of the Prophet SAW is the most effective and emotional way to increase our love for him – From his SAW birth/upbringing, life before and after Prophethood, his family life, major events, the struggles he SAW faced, the battles he SAW fought and so much more

  • Learning outcomes:

Discover the life of the Prophet (saw). Bring the Prophetic example into your own life
Appreciate the great significance of the Makkan/Madinan periods & the blessed lands of Makkah & Madinah

  • Be able to emulate the Prophetic morals & character.
  • Unravel the sublime status of the Prophet (SAW)
  • Develop love and respect for the Prophet (SAW)
  • Take lessons from the companions and their unwavering faith in the face of immense difficulties
    Be amazed by the Prophetic miracles.
  • Gain a deep insight into the distinct love & respect between the Prophet (SAW) and the blessed companions


  • The Biographical account of the Prophet (SAW)
  • Untainted Family Lineage From his auspicious birth up to Prophethood
  • The early Muslims
  • The Spread of Islam and the Quraysh
  • Arch Enemies and struggles of the Prophet (SAW)
  • The Mi’raj
  • Invitation to Islam and the Ansar Migration
  • Brotherhood between Muhajirun and Ansar Military Expeditions; Badr, Uhud, Khandaq etc.
  • Hudaybiyyah
  • International efforts
  • The conquest of Makkah
  • The farewell Hajj
  • The Demise of the Prophet (SAW)


Simply developing this awareness is the key that unlocks the ability to direct your own inner voice, choose better-feeling emotions, and making better decisions.


The 3 levels of Thinking – Tafakkur; Tadhakkur; Tadabbur (and I’tibaar)

  • Thoughts Create Emotions and Behaviors:
  • Introduction to Cognitive Distortions
  • Understanding Rational and Irrational Beliefs
  • Unhealthy vs Healthy Negative Emotions and resulting behaviour

TERM 4 – 2025



  • Fiqh of Zakah is a branch of Islamic jurisprudence that deals with the rules and regulations regarding the mandatory almsgiving in Islam known as Zakah. This includes discussions on the types of wealth subject to Zakah, the calculation of Zakah, eligible recipients, and the proper distribution of Zakah funds in accordance with Islamic teachings.
  • Fiqh of Hajj & Umrah focuses on the religious pilgrimage to Mecca, known as Hajj, and the lesser pilgrimage, Umrah. It covers the rituals, obligations, and prohibitions associated with these acts of worship, detailing the steps involved in performing Hajj and Umrah correctly. This branch of Fiqh guides Muslims on the proper conduct during these sacred journeys. 
  • Fiqh of Nikah deals with the Islamic jurisprudence related to marriage. It encompasses the rules and regulations governing the marriage contract, the rights and responsibilities of spouses, conditions for a valid marriage, and the proper procedures for conducting a Nikah ceremony. This branch of Fiqh aims to ensure that marriages in Islam are conducted in accordance with Islamic principles.
  • Fiqh of Talaq pertains to the Islamic jurisprudence governing divorce. It addresses the conditions and procedures for issuing a divorce (Talaq), the rights and responsibilities of both spouses during and after divorce, and the ethical considerations involved. This branch of Fiqh seeks to regulate divorce in a manner consistent with Islamic teachings and to safeguard the well-being of individuals and families.
  • Fiqh of Janaazah refers to the Islamic jurisprudence related to funeral rites and burial. In Islam, there are specific guidelines and rituals to be followed when a Muslim passes away.


Journaling is an essential process for developing a better understanding of ourselves and why we do what we do. Journaling helps us investigate and dig deeper, gather data and information, and then reflect.

The style of journaling we will be exploring is highly focused, meaning what is being written is very specific. Rather than free writing, this journaling focuses specifically on recording thoughts, emotions and behaviours. The goal is to develop awareness of how our thoughts, emotions, and behaviours relate to each other and what causes them, and then to use what is learned to make changes that impact behaviour, and therefore, results.

By tracking your experiences, you will begin to see thought patterns, emotional tendencies, and behaviour patterns and how they connect. By recording these behaviours and reflecting on what is going on in your mind and your experience.


  • The ABCDEF Journaling Process:
  • Identifying Activating Events, Beliefs & Consequences
  • Disputing Irrational Thinking, Beliefs and Perspectives
  • Changing the Meaning You Assign
  • Determining the Desired Effect, Taking Action & Creating Change.
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